
Festival Baobab Tours
Le Délégué général du Centre régional pour les arts vivants en Afrique (CERAV/Afrique), M. Herman POUYA, a reçu ce mercredi 02 octobre 2024 au siège de l’institution, une délégation du club artistique de l’Université Nazi Boni de Bobo-Dioulasso…
Le CERAV/Afrique réunit son Conseil scientifique et culturel pour l’édition 2024
Le CERAV/Afrique tient du 25 au 26 septembre 2024, à son siège à Bobo-Dioulasso (Burkina Faso), l'édition 2024 de son Conseil scientifique et culturel (CSC). Ce rendez-vous institutionnel majeur réunit les membres du CSC dans le cadre de réflexions…
Découvrez le Centre de Ressources du CERAV/Afrique
Vous êtes un passionné de littérature, d’arts vivants, des questions de politiques culturelles, de communication  ? Vous travaillez dans le secteur culturel, artistique ou académique ? Le Centre de Ressources du Centre Régional pour les Arts Vivants…
  Le Centre Régional pour les Arts Vivants en Afrique (CERAV/Afrique) a officiellement installé M. Bérenger KOUNKORGO dans ses fonctions de Directeur des Ressources Humaines, lors d'une cérémonie qui s'est tenue le vendredi 23 août 2024. Cette…

The contribution of festivals to the development of African cinema under Covid 19 at the heart of a regional workshop

Soumis par dougoutigui le mer 13/04/2022 - 19:49
Atelier Ouaga

From May 25 to 27, 2021, the regional workshop on the contribution of festivals to the development of the film industry and the resilience of the culture sector in Africa under the Covid-19 context was held in Ouagadougou. Organized by the Regional Center for Living Arts in Africa (CERAV/Afrique), a UNESCO category II centre, with the support of its technical and financial partners, including Wallonie-Bruxelles International and the Observatory of Cultural Policies of Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles, this workshop was chaired by the Minister of Culture, Arts and Tourism of Burkina Faso.

Regional Workshop on the 2005 UNESCO Convention and the African Union Charter for Cultural Renaissance

Soumis par dougoutigui le mer 13/04/2022 - 19:26

From August 28 to 30, 2017, a regional workshop was held at CELHTO-UA in Niamey (Republic of Niger) on "partnership with civil society in the implementation of the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and the promotion of the diversity of cultural expressions and the charter of African cultural renaissance: what challenges? what solution? ".

A regional center in Bobo-Dioulasso for its protection and promotion

Soumis par dougoutigui le mer 13/04/2022 - 19:11
living arts

The official opening of the headquarters and the launch of the activities of the Regional Center for Performing Arts in Africa (CERAV / Africa) took place on Monday, March 29, 2016 in Bobo-Dioulasso, on the sidelines of National Culture Week (SNC). Several cultural actors attended this ceremony sponsored by Prime Minister Paul Kaba Thiéba. The first of its kind in Burkina Faso, CERAV / Africa aims to protect and promote the diversity of cultural expressions.

The Prime Minister, His Excellency Paul Kaba THIEBA, Head of Government, officially launches activities

Soumis par dougoutigui le mer 13/04/2022 - 18:54
Inauguration CERAV

The Regional Center for the Performing Arts in Africa (CERAV / Africa) organized the official launching ceremony of its activities on Monday March 28, 2016.
This launch, which took place on the sidelines of the 18th edition of the National Culture Week, was attended by certain members of the Government, customary, religious, administrative authorities and eminent personalities from the world of culture.

Speech by Mr. Tahirou BARRY Minister of Culture, Arts and Tourism

Soumis par dougoutigui le mer 13/04/2022 - 18:22

he opportunity is really good for us to meet again today, here in Bobo-Dioulasso, with the friends and partners of Burkina Faso, for once again, “to add earth to earth” (as one of our “Living Human Treasures”) for the construction of an Africa proud, united and strong of its heritage and its richness of its cultural diversity.