If we really got down to it

Soumis par dougoutigui le mer 13/04/2022 - 18:43
coupure de ruban

Inaugurated under very regrettable conditions, further delay of Prime Minister Paul KabaThieba, I am afraid that culture is once again the least of the concerns of this government. This neglect of culture pains me a lot.

Seeing a whole parterre of men of culture, guarantors of tradition, octogenarians kneaded with the knowledge of poiroter for 4 hours under a shed in an execrable heat, I wonder what importance we will give to this Regional Center for the Arts Alive in Africa (CERAV / Africa)? Fortunately, Tahirou Barry was able to soothe our hearts while showing reassuring optimism about the success of this project, which goes directly to the protection and promotion of the diversity of cultural expressions.

Let's talk about it! This desire to offer our continent a support structure for the implementation of the 2005 Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions and above all specializing in the promotion of the performing arts as well as cinema and audiovisual can only be operational thanks to the will of our States. It is desirable that this cooperation is not simply institutional but above all financial. The presence of such a center, in my opinion, will compensate for this notorious lack of exchanges and communication between our States in the field of the Performing Arts (music, theater, dance, cinema and audiovisual). For example: a reliable channel for the distribution of African films could be set up. This will allow us to no longer sell our films at full price on television channels around the world. Some sort of regulation on the exploitation of the performing arts could be put in place. A reliable plan for the dissemination of dance, music, theater performances, etc.

Nowadays, with the all-out presence of new technologies, the promotion, dissemination, protection, management and production of the performing arts in Africa is a real mess.

This is why, in my opinion, if CERAV / Africa is emerging, it is above all: to protect and promote cultural diversity. Minister Barry in his words said this in substance "... To develop sustainably, our peoples need to be based on the foundation of a culture which humanizes us, which makes us aware and which leads us to lay the foundations for cohesion. national and international understanding ”. This national cohesion precisely, also requires the taking into account of the African States to consequently inject money in this sector. Everything should not be limited to papers, speeches and inaugurations with great fanfare. The capacities, for example, of cultural actors and promoters must be strengthened. A dignified and dynamic board of directors must be put in place. Especially that we do not see later in the confusion or scheming like the FEPACI in Ouagadougou or the BBDA. We would like to see a sincere, enterprising team set up whose ambitions are only collective and not individual under the basis of transparency.
Stimulate interculturality in order to develop cultural interaction in a spirit of building bridges between peoples. This is a point in this CERAV / Africa that interests me particularly! Because this will allow for a dialogue and the sharing of experiences in a pan-African way. A real cultural mix that will further strengthen the links. I can't wait for this to be effective!
In short, the impressive presence of key players in our culture at the launch of CERAV / Africa demonstrates the interest of this project. Never in a long time have I seen so many actors and monuments of our culture come together. Living human treasures as a whole with Me Tintenga Pacéré at their head. Teacher. Prosper Kompaoré (ATB), Ardiouma Soma (FESPACO), Ildevert Meda (CARTEL), Serges Aimé Coulibaly (Cpie Faso dance theater), Bara Walib, Smockey, Ousmane Boundaoné, Ali Diallo, Télesphone Bationo, Michel Somé Bossofa, Famille Kouyaté…
All the bad that one can wish for the Regional Center for the Performing Arts in Africa, is that it thrives in the missions which are assigned to it.
A thought to Prof Jean-Pierre Guingané that I would have liked him to be present.