Promoting the values ​​of cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue for peace and sustainable development in Africa, at the heart of a public conference

Soumis par dougoutigui le lun 27/05/2024 - 09:33
1st edition of the CERAV/Africa week

As part of the implementation of its 2024 Activity Program, the Regional Center for Performing Arts in Africa (CERAV/Africa), UNESCO Category 2 Center, organized on the morning of Thursday, May 23, 2024 at Bobo-Dioulasso, a public conference around the theme, “the promotion of the values ​​of cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue for peace and sustainable development in Africa”. This exchange with cultural actors took place as part of the first edition of the CERAV/Africa week and the celebration of the world day for cultural diversity, for dialogue and development. This public conference, on the one hand, allowed CERAV/Africa to strengthen the knowledge of stakeholders (notably young people and women) on issues of cultural diversity, dialogue and development and on the other hand to strengthen its anchoring as well at national, regional and international levels.
For the General Delegate of CERAV/Africa, Mr. Herman POUYA, the organization of this public conference is intended to be a contribution of CERAV/Africa to the search for peace in Africa through the acceptance of others in all their dimensions, in all its diversity.
Seizing the ball, the speakers kept the participants in suspense for two hours on two sub-themes including “intercultural dialogue, a guarantee of peace and social cohesion” and “cultural diversity and sustainable development”. The panelists Issiaka SOURWEMA, former minister of religious and customary affairs, and Francisco D'Almeida, co-director of the NGO Culture and Development, took turns providing an overview of the place and role of culture in research. Peace. Unanimously, everyone recognized that cultural diversity, contrary to what some might think, constitutes a factor for sustainable development and lasting peace.