CERAV/Africa equips its staff

Submitted by dougoutigui on Tue, 07/30/2024 - 14:06
Development of the risk map

From June 25 to 28, 2024, CERAV/Africa is organizing training at its premises in Bobo-Dioulasso for the benefit of its staff on the development of the structure's risk mapping. This training aims to strengthen the operational capacity of staff on internal control, the process of developing risk mapping and finally risk management.

This capacity building helps to equip staff for better use of resources, compliance with instructions, laws and regulations, in order to improve performance and meet the needs of the Center's users. It should be remembered that the development of risk mapping in State Public Establishments (EPE) is one of the recommendations of the 24th session of the AGM of EPEs for the year 2023.

Thus, for 4 days, CERAV/Africa staff will learn concepts related to risk management and acquire the basics necessary to design the tools for developing risk mapping.

For the trainer, Mr. Adama PARE, State Controller,
Head of the Audit and Control Department, this training will allow participants to identify risks, know how to manage them and evaluate them. The General Delegate of CERAV/Africa, Mr. Wendlasida Herman POUYA, who chaired the opening ceremony, praised the trainer for his availability but also did not fail to invite the staff to be diligent in order to better assimilate all the related contours to risk mapping, anything that will facilitate its design in the future.