Mohamed SOMBIE, installed in his new role as DAF

Submitted by dougoutigui on Mon, 05/27/2024 - 09:41

The handover ceremony between the outgoing Director of Administration and Finance (DAF) and the outgoing Director of Administration and Finance (DAF) was held on Friday May 24, 2024 at the Regional Center for Performing Arts in Africa (CERAV/Africa). incoming. This ceremony, which was chaired by the General Delegate of CERAV/Africa, Mr. Wendlasida Herman POUYA, was attended by CERAV/Africa staff. Appointed by the Council of Ministers at its ordinary session of April 25, 2024, Mr. Mohamed SOMBIE, School and University Stewardship Advisor (CISU), was officially installed in his position as DAF of CERAV/Africa. He replaces Mr. Herman Ilboudo in this position, who has been called to other functions.

In his introductory remarks, the General Delegate of CERAV/Africa expressed all his gratitude to the outgoing DAF for his five (07) years of good and loyal service to CERAV as well as his valuable contribution to personnel management but also to anchoring of the structure as a State Public Establishment. He also wished him every success in the new missions which will be entrusted to him within the Public Administration. Speaking, Mr. Herman ILBOUDO, the outgoing DAF not only thanked the CERAV/Africa staff for their five (07) years of collaboration, but also for their contribution to the realization of his mission letter. He expressed all his gratitude to the first authorities of the ministry in charge of culture for the trust placed in him. “I am leaving the DAF of CERAV/Africa today, May 24, 2024 with the feeling of having contributed to the accomplishment of the missions assigned to CERAV/Africa as EPE. I wish the DAF every success in carrying out his new duties and remain fully available for any possible requests,” he said. Speaking in turn, the incoming DAF, Mr. Mohamed SOMBIE, immediately thanked the first authorities of the Ministry in charge of Culture and the General Delegate of CERAV/Africa for having empowered him to this position. He said he understood the immensity of the missions which will be entrusted to him and requested the support of the General Delegation of the Center, the financial chain and all the staff for a better accomplishment of the missions which will be assigned to him and by extension achieving the missions of CERAV/Africa.

Furthermore, the Staff Representative, Mr. Boukary SAWADOGO, highlighted the self-sacrifice at work which characterized the five (07) years of service of Mr. Herman ILBOUDO at the head of the DAF. He conveyed the thanks of the staff for his valuable contribution to achieving the missions assigned to CERAV/Africa, not without wishing him every success in his new functions. To the attention of the new DAF, he conveyed all his congratulations on his appointment to this position and reassured him of the support of the CERAV/Africa staff and their integration into the “common home”. By way of conclusion, the General Delegate reiterated his thanks to the outgoing DAF for his contribution to the emergence of CERAV/Africa, a UNESCO Category 2 Center and the achievement of the objectives of CERAV/Africa at the administrative and an accountant. Regarding the incoming DAF, Mr. POUYA reassured him of the constant and unfailing support of all CERAV staff for better accomplishment of his new missions.